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UCTK teacher in classroom

UCTK Transitional Kindergarten Logo

California needs you! With recent transitions to the Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) legislation, California is in need of over 15,000 TK teachers by the 2025-2026 school year. As a TK teacher, you can affect the lives of children at an early age to establish their strong learning foundation for their lifetime.

We've established our Teacher Residency Program to jumpstart your career as a California TK Teacher. Earn a Multiple Subject Credential, complete 24 units in Early Childhood Education, and be placed in a regional TK worksite in the Central Valley, Los Angeles County, or the San Francisco Bay Area.

As a resident, you'll receive a compensation package of $24,087, plus a 24% reduction in tuition and fees, as well as any additional funding or financial aid (e.g., Cal State Teacher Grant, Pell Grant, etc., based on eligibility). This is a one-year accelerated program, with our next cohort beginning Summer 2025.

>> Attend our live TK Webinar to learn more about our program with our regional program partners

>> View our On-Demand Information Session

Earn more as a TK teacher

On average, a TK teacher in California earns $84,700 annually. That is $42,100 more than Center-Based Teachers with bachelor's degrees and $49,500 more than FCC Providers with bachelor's degrees. Being an employed credentialed teacher also provides access to benefits through CalSTRS and CalPERS as a TK-12 teacher.

FCC Providers with Access to Benefits in California 2020

Source: Center for the Study of Child Care. Development | Double or Nothing? Potential TK Wages for California's Early Educators by Anna Powell, Elena Montoya, Lea J.E. Austin and Yoonjeon Kim, June 1, 2022

Admissions Requirements

  • Statement of Purpose
  • Statement of Professional Dispositions
  • Bachelor Degree in any field from an accredited college or university
  • Basic Skills Requirement: possession of a bachelor's degree earned at a regionally accredited college or university
  • Subject Matter Competency Requirement: BA in Liberal Studies, Liberal Arts, Elementary Education and Interdisciplinary Degree or Pass the CSET Multiple Subject 
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Certificate of Clearance from the CTC 
  • Completed preprogram Field Experience Verification Form
  • Resume
  • Two References with valid emails and phone numbers (we will contact your references directly)
  • Located in or willing to relocate to either Merced County, Los Angeles County, or the San Francisco Bay Area

Please note: Completion of 24 units in Early Childhood Education is not a requirement for admissions.

>>Review the program flyer

Application Deadline

Summer 2025 Cohort deadline to submit your application is April 15, 2025.

>> Apply now

Multiple Subject Credential

The Multiple Subject Credential Program is specifically crafted for individuals aspiring to teach elementary school children. The program encompasses comprehensive coursework in inclusive education for diverse populations and strategies for teaching students with disabilities. Additionally, it includes a full array of discipline-based methods courses, practical field experience, and two semesters of Clinical Practice  in elementary schools.

The Multiple Subject Credential equips holders to teach English learners, authorizing them to provide English language development and specially designed academic instruction within the subject area and grade level of the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Residency Pathway

UCTK Estimated Cost of Attendance


>> Contact us with your questions



Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure

University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).

Additional information is available by visiting the University of California | Office of the President and the California Department of Education.


The Teacher Preparation Program is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

On August 6, 2021, The Commission on Teacher Credentialing granted full institutional approval to the University of California, Merced.