General Preconditions
Preliminary MS-SS Credential Preconditions
Intern Credential Preconditions
1. Precondition 1 for Institutions of Higher Education
Accreditation and Academic Credit
UC Merced WSCUC Commission Action Letter for 10-year Accreditation
UC Merced Teacher Preparation Program Accreditation Website
2. Precondition 2: Enrollment and Completion
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, assure and verify that the Teacher Preparation Program adheres to providing an opportunity for any and all admitted teacher candidates to successfully meet the standards and complete the program, regardless if the program intends to close, in one of the following ways: completes the program entirely, withdraws from the program, is dropped from the program based on established criteria, or is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements for the authorization.
UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program is committed to providing equitable treatment for candidates and a reasonable opportunity for all candidates to complete their program of study within two (2) academic years in partnership with UC Riverside Graduate School of Education upon notification in which the UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program should close. The Teacher Preparation Program’s Teach Out Plan ensures that once a candidate is accepted and enrolled, the Teacher Preparation Program will offer the approved program until the candidate: (a) completes the program; (b) withdraws from the program; (c) is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or (d) is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization in the event the program closes.
UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program Teach Out Plan
3. Precondition 3: Responsibility and Authority
Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz, Ph.D. has ultimate authority and responsibility of the Division of Extension, an academic unit of the University of California, Merced. The Dean of Extension, Annette Roberts Webb, has a direct reporting line to the Interim Provost, Marjorie Zatz. In addition to the above said reporting lines, the Division of Extension’s Teacher Preparation Program oversight also includes the Curriculum Advisory Board for review of all education courses, certificates, and programs. The Curriculum Advisory Board is comprised of designated faculty and local community P-12 educators. UC Merced Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council review and approve all education courses and programs.
The Teacher Preparation Program Credential Analyst and Program Coordinator, Mayra Franco, is the CTC-authorized designee responsible for all Teacher Preparation Program credential recommendations.
UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program assures that no one other than current employees of the approved institution will submit credential recommendations.
UC Merced Extension Organizational Chart
Recommendation for Teaching Credential Policy
4. Precondition 4: Lawful Practices
Non-Discrimination Language Related to Employment
The University of California is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and invites applications from all qualified applicants, including women, minorities, veterans, and individual with disabilities, who will enrich the teaching, research and public service missions of the university. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy, see: UC Nondiscrimination & Affirmative Action Policy (
Part-Time Instructor: Teacher Preparation Program AY 2023-2024 Job Posting
University Mentor AY 2023-2024 Job Posting
Non-Discrimination Language Related to Candidates in the Program
The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in university programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Student Conduct staff in the Office of Student Life.
Teacher Preparation Program Candidate Handbook: Non-Discrimination Policy
Division of Extension Student Resources: Non-Discrimination Policies
UC Merced (University of California) Policies Related to Non-Discrimination Language
5. Precondition 5: Commission Assurances
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, in oversight of the Teacher Preparation Program agrees to (a) assure that the Teacher Preparation Program will fulfill all of the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the Commission, (b) assure that all candidates participating in public school-based field activities hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission, (c) assure that the Teacher Preparation Program will cooperate in an evaluation of the program by an external team or a monitoring of the program by a Commission staff member, and (d) assure that the Teacher Preparation Program will participate fully in the Commission’s accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation.
6. Precondition 6: Requests for Data
The Teacher Preparation Program’s Credential Analyst, Mayra Franco, is the CTC authorized designee for submission of required data collection from the UC Merced Extension’s Teacher Preparation Program including but not limited to program enrollments, program completers, examination results, performance assessments, and state and federal reporting within the time limits specified by the Commission.
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, in oversight of the Teacher Preparation Program assures that the institution understands that it is its own responsibility to check the contact information listed on the Commission’s approved programs page and make any necessary updates at least on an annual basis.
7. Precondition 7: Veracity in all Claims and Documentation Submitted
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, affirm in my review and approval that all statements, documents, and information provided by the University of California, Merced and the Division of Extension Teacher Preparation Program to the Commission are accurate and truthful.
8. Precondition 8: Grievance Process
Teacher Preparation Program’s Appeals and Grievance Policies
Appeals Process
UC Merced Extension has an appeal process in place to assist candidates and faculty to resolve academic issues. This process endeavors to protect both faculty and candidates by assuring a process that allows dialogue at each step. This process is linked directly to UC Merced’s policies on the university website: Petition of Academic Policy
Definition of a Grievable Action: A grievable action is an action: (a) in violation of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures; or (b) constitutes arbitrary, capricious, or unequal application of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures.
Initial and Informal Appeal: The candidate who wishes to appeal must first discuss the problem with their instructor. The initial appeal may be informal by a conversation or meeting between the faculty member and the candidate. If the academic issue is not resolved, the formal appeals process is initiated. The candidate must initiate this process within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew, or should have known, about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded).
Formal Appeal Initiation: The formal appeal should be addressed in writing to the Director of Education Programs. The appeal must include a written statement that lays out the grounds for the appeal, and any supporting documentation. The appeal must be initiated within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew or should have known about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded). The valid grounds on which a student may base an appeal are confined to three areas: (1) evidence of procedural error committed intentionally or inadvertently by the Program faculty or staff and/or (2) evidence of non-academic criteria being used to evaluate academic work, including personal bias and violations of the campus nondiscrimination policy and/or (3) special mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control (such as documented severe illness to self or immediate family, or death in the family) not properly taken into account in a decision affecting the student’s academic progress. In order to seek relief under special mitigating circumstances, the candidate must have raised the issue with the program directors as soon as possible and no later than 10 calendar days after the mitigating circumstance began (e.g., if a documented medical condition impairs the candidate’s ability to complete the coursework, the candidate would supply the program directors with a doctor’s note no later than 10 calendar days after the medical condition began).
The Director of Education Programs shall determine the validity of an appeal with respect to whether it meets the criteria or whether additional material should be provided to make a determination. The candidate shall be notified as to the determination of the appeal’s validity within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. Failure of the Director of Education Programs to identify the candidate regarding the outcome as to the validity of the appeal within 30 days shall result in referral of the appeal directly to the Extension Dean.
In cases where a resolution is not reached, the final level of appeal is the Extension Dean. The Extension Dean will review the written complaint, response from the individual(s), and submitted materials.
The Extension Dean will make a final decision and notify the candidate of the outcome within 60 days of the initiation of the formal complaint. If determination is not made within the 60-day timeframe, the appeal is deemed denied. A written summary of the appeal and the conclusions reached will be kept in the student’s academic file. If the appeal is supported, the Director for Education programs will ensure that prompt corrective action is taken. The Dean’s Office will record the final determination with the Registrar’s Office.
Candidates and applicants of the teacher preparation program access all appeals processes through the university website and abide by university procedures. The process for each campus school, including UC Merced Extension, allows a student to appeal to his/her dean after exhausting all other pathways. The links below direct candidates, like all UC Merced students, to the university’s policies and forms.
Time frames: All time frames are defined in terms of calendar days, excluding campus holidays, intersession, and summer session, starting on the day the candidate either knew or reasonably should have known of the actions leading to the complaint.
Links to Accessible Grievance Policies:
UC Merced Extension Appeals and Grievance Policies
Teacher Preparation Program Candidate Handbook: Appeals & Grievance Policy
Evidence that demonstrates how candidates are informed of the existence of the grievance process:
All new and continuing teacher candidates in the Teacher Preparation Program are required to attend an annual orientation either at the beginning of each academic year and/or the start term in which they begin enrollment. In the orientation, candidates and program administrators review the Teacher Preparation Program Handbook Policies and Procedures, including but not limited to academic policies, grievances and appeals, student conduct, and enrollment policies. In addition, all new teacher candidates are required to sign an Enrollment Agreement, in which they initial the following statement:
“I acknowledge that I have received the UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program Policies and Resources Handbook and am responsible for all information contained within, including the Grievance Policy. _____ (Initial)”
Credential Program Course of Study (MSTP / SSTP)
Spring 2024 New Student Orientation Agenda
9. Precondition 9: Faculty and Instructional Personnel Participation
List of Faculty and Instructional Personnel and Public-School Participation
10. Precondition 10: Communication and Information
UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program Website
Home Page
Admissions Requirements
Course and Curriculum Requirements
Clinical Practice and Credential Completion Requirements
11. Precondition 11: Student Records Management, Access, and Security
The University of California, Merced Teacher Preparation Program assures the following regarding student records management, access, and security:
(a) Candidates and graduates will have access to and be provided with transcripts and/or other documents to verify academic units and program completion.
All undergraduate, graduate, and credential students currently enrolled, previously enrolled but not graduated, and alumni are provided secured access using their UCM Net ID and password to which houses the access to ‘My Student Record.’ Under ‘My Student Record’ all credential candidates are provided access to view and print an unofficial transcript to date, request an official transcript through the National Clearinghouse, and access other student record data including but not limited to midterm and final grades, financial aid awards and information, billing, and other student information. In addition, the Teacher Preparation Program is currently in the development phase for the ‘My Degree Audit’ advising tool for current credential candidates to track their progress towards completing their credential requirements including but not limited to required assessments, observations, coursework, and fieldwork. At any time, candidates can access their student file located within the credential analyst office by placing a written request to the credential analyst, other program administrator, and/or to
(b) All candidate records will be maintained at the main institutional site or central location (paper or digital copies).
Any of the Teacher Preparation Program’s paper student records are securely stored at the institution’s approved Downtown Campus Center office, in locked cabinets housed within the office in the designated building for the Division of Extension. Student records have been digitized and are electronically filed in the University’s secure “Box” file management system that can only be accessed by users who hold the proper University login credentials. The Teacher Preparation Program instructional services primarily occur at the approved institution’s site at the Downtown Campus Center (DCC) location.
(c) Record will be kept securely in locked cabinets or on a secure server located in a room not accessible by the public.
All records, including student records and information, are securely stored physically and digitally within the Director’s office. Extension and the credential analyst office is located within a fully protected and restricted access office space at the UC Merced Downtown Center. Only permitted administrative personnel are granted access via ‘CatCard’ to this location of the building. Physical records are stored within a locked cabinet within the TPP Director’s office in which the key is secured by only the Director. All digital files are securely stored within a Box folder under the institution’s account with restricted access to only those program administrators and personnel that are required to view it. All Teacher Preparation Program staff, administrators, and student staff, including all other personnel a part of the Division of Extension, are required to complete annual FERPA training. Additional student records and information, including official transcripts, are also stored within a restricted digital location, OnBase, which is the institution’s approved database for file sharing with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, the Office of Admissions, and the Office of the Registrar.
12. Precondition Disclosure
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, in oversight of the Teacher Preparation Program assures that the Teacher Preparation Program does not use any outside entity to provide direct educational services to candidates at any point of a candidate’s program experience.
1. Precondition 1: Limitation on Program Length
The Teacher Preparation Program provides an academic course sequence that allows candidates to “complete their teaching credential in one year with full-time study and verified clinical practice.” Full-time candidates are expected to complete all required coursework and clinical practice in three terms. Part-Time candidates are expected to complete all required coursework and clinical practice in six terms. This information is documented on each candidate’s course of study which is updated and signed each term based on the requirements met and requirements outstanding.
Full-Time Course of Study for Single Subject Candidates
Teacher Preparation Program Website: Single Subject Course Sequence
Full Time Course of Study for Multiple Subject Candidate
Teacher Preparation Program Website: Multiple Subject Course Sequence
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2. Precondition 2: Limitation on Student Teaching Prerequisites
At UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program, candidates enrolling in Clinical Practice are required to complete 600 hours in two settings over the arc of their program. Multiple subject candidates will work with children grade levels TK-2 and 3-6. Single subject candidates will have two different placements at a middle school or a high school. The clinical practice courses are EDUC X303: Clinical Practice 1, EDUC X304: Clinical Practice 2, and EDUC X305: Clinical Practice 3. In EDUC X303, students spend 200 hours observing, working with students one-on-one, teaching small groups, and teaching the whole class. In EDUC X305, students spend 400 hours teaching students in various capacities, but are required to solo-teach the class as the teacher for a total of 4 weeks. EDUC X304 is an optional course where students can get additional practice in the classroom before enrolling in EDUC X305. While in all clinical practice placements, students are supported by instructors, mentors, district administration and cooperating teachers. The Teacher Preparation Program does not require candidates (excluding internship credentialed candidates) to complete the equivalent of nine semester units. This restriction may be increased to the equivalent of twelve semester units if the student teaching prerequisites include study of alternative methods of English language development.
Links to Evidence on Student Teaching Prerequisites Limitations
Clinical Practice Handbook: Student Teaching Recommended Schedule
Qualifications for Clinical Practice/Student Teaching Policy
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3. Precondition 3: English Language Skills
*Programs do not need to respond to Precondition 3. The requirements within Precondition 3 are reviewed during Program Review and at the site visit.
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4. Precondition 4: Undergraduate Student Enrollment
I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, in oversight of the Teacher Preparation Program allow qualified students from any accredited institution of higher learning including California State Universities or Universities of California to apply, be accepted, and enroll. Students who complete an undergraduate degree at UC Merced and plan to pursue a teaching credential are free to enroll in any accredited credential program, not just UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program.
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5. Precondition 5: Program Admission
Teacher Preparation Program Website: Application Requirements and Prerequisites
Teacher Preparation Program Candidate Handbook Subject Matter Competence
Teacher Preparation Program Applicant Checklist
Teacher Preparation Program Admissions Decision Letter Template
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6. Precondition 6: Subject Matter Proficiency
Students are given “Daily Whole Class” instructional responsibilities in EDUC X305: Clinical Practice 3. A pre-requisite for enrolling in that course and its co-requisite EDUC X302: Teaching Practicum is passage of all appropriate CSETs. This is monitored by TPP administrators via restricted access to EdReports and documented on the assessment status tracker, admissions checklist, and new student advising template. This information is provided to candidates at Clinical Practice Orientation and in the Clinical Practice Handbook. Candidates credential requirements are monitored and tracked each term by a program administrator using the ‘Course of Study’ and the Credential Program Checklist to ensure that each candidate has met all requirements prior to enrolling in the term’s coursework. Prior to being registered in Course Record Numbers (CRNs) for EDUC X303 and EDUCX 305, all candidates are assessed for completing the required Subject Matter Competency requirements, which are documented on the “Credential Program Checklist”.
Teacher Preparation Program Applicant Checklist
Teacher Preparation Program Credential Program Checklist (MSTP)
Teacher Preparation Program Credential Program Checklist ( SSTP)
Qualifications for Student Teaching/CSET Requirements Policy
Teacher Preparation Program Handbook Clinical Practice Requirements
Screenshot of Access to EdReports Assessment Data
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7. Precondition 7: Completion of Requirements
Description of process ensuring appropriate recommendation, including IDP (Individual Development Plan) process
When students enter the UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation program, they receive a checklist, a course of study, advising sheet and a candidate enrollment agreement. Candidates use the checklist to track their progress and backwards-plan so they can complete the program in a timely manner. The completion checklist/course of study lists the courses they will be enrolled in each term. The New Advising Sheet is a customized record of the initial conference with a TPP Administrator. Once the candidate is aware of the TPP expectations they sign the candidate enrollment agreement. Finally, to monitor progress, the credential analyst reviews candidate grades at the end of each semester and reviews assessment results at regular intervals throughout the term. Administrators in the program regularly monitor candidates in clinical practice by communicating with instructors, mentors, and cooperating teachers.
Once students have met all requirements outlined on their checklist, the program holds an IDP with the university mentor, cooperating teacher, candidate, and program administrator to review the candidates progress with the TPEs and set goals for induction.
To ensure that only qualified candidates are recommended for a credential, the credential analyst/program manager or a program administrator reviews a checklist of materials from each qualified candidate. This checklist includes courses required by our program, assessments completed, and records from clinical practice. With these documents, we verify that candidates have met all the CTC requirements to be credentialed.
Candidate Progress Monitoring Documents
Individual Candidate Requirement Completion Checklist (MSTP)
Individual Candidate Requirement Completion Checklist (SSTP)
Blank IDP Form
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1. Precondition 1: Bachelor’s Degree Requirement
Any candidate admitted under an Internship Program a part of UC Merced Extension’s Teacher Preparation Program is reviewed for, verified, and documented to successfully hold a baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Each applying intern credential candidate is required to submit unofficial transcripts showing conferral of a baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education to be considered for provisional admission. Upon admissions offer, each candidate is then required to submit official transcripts to UC Merced Extension’s Teacher Preparation Program electronically or by mail. Throughout the admission process all candidates’ qualifications are monitored and documented on the Admissions Checklist.
Teacher Preparation Program Intern Admissions Checklist
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2. Precondition 2: Subject Matter Requirement
All intern candidates are required to pass all appropriate CSETs in order to be recommended for an intern credential. To verify this requirement was met, the designated recommender asks the candidate to provide transcript copies of their CSET score report or scores are verified through EdReports. Completion of the subject matter requirements is documented on each individual candidate’s admission checklist and new student advising sheet.
Teacher Preparation Program Intern Admissions Checklist
Screenshot of Access to EdReports Assessment Data
Teacher Preparation Program Intern Checklist (MSTP / SSTP)
Teacher Preparation Program Course of Study (MSTP / SSTP)
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3. Precondition 3: Pre-Service Requirement
Before a candidate can be recommended for an internship credential, he or she must complete three, 3-unit courses that cover foundational skills including general pedagogy, classroom management, planning, reading/language arts, subject specific pedagogy, human development, and specific content regarding teaching English Learners. These classes are included in the first semester of a student’s course of study. The Teacher Preparation Program has revised Intern Credential policies to include two forms for review for candidate eligibility and intern credential recommendation to appropriately document all required qualifications for intern credential. Candidates seeking intern credentials, must complete and submit the ‘Request for Letter of Intern Eligibility Form’ and ‘Intern Credential Request Form.’ Upon approval and submission of these documents, eligible candidates are provided an ‘Intern Eligibility Letter’ to provide to their employer for confirmation.
Intern Multiple Subject Candidate Course of Study
Intern Single Subject Candidate Course of Study
Request for Letter of Intern Eligibility Form
Intern Credential Request Form
Intern Eligibility Letter Template
TPP Policies & Procedures Handbook: Intern Credential Policy
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4. Precondition 4: Professional Development Plan
A professional development plan will be implemented for all intern teachers. The plan will include an annual evaluation, a course of study, 144 hours of support from a district assigned cooperating teacher and 45 hours of support for English Language Learners and ELD. Students document this time on their Clinical Practice Calendar and through Weekly Reflections signed by their Cooperating Teacher.
Intern Candidate Professional Development Plan Template
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5. Precondition 5: Supervision of Interns
a) Interns are supported by both the district and the Teacher Preparation Program through Clinical Practice Courses. Candidates record their time on a calendar over the course of two semesters and on a document where they record their total support hours on a Final Record for Clinical Practice.
Intern Calendar Tracker Template
Sample MOU/Agreement with Intern Partner District
b) The Teacher Preparation Program assures that there is no reduction in salaries for intern credentials. UC Merced Extension provides supervisors at no cost to the intern credential candidate. Salary and compensation are at the sole discretion of the participating district.
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6. Precondition 6: Assignment and Authorization
All intern credential candidates are placed in agreement with the partnering school and/or school district as outlined in a fully executed agreement or memorandum of understanding (MOU). It is agreed upon between the Teacher Preparation Program and the partnering school district, all intern credential candidates are to assume the functions that are authorized by the regular standard credential teacher. These expectations are listed under Section XII. Rights and Responsibility of Intern Teachers.
Sample MOU/Agreement with Intern Partner District (p. 8, XII. Rights and Responsibility of Intern Teachers)
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7. Precondition 7: Participating Districts
List of Participating Intern Districts and Credential Types
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8. Precondition 8: Early Program Completion Option
The Teacher Preparation Program assures all intern credential candidates are provided the opportunity for Early Program Completion. The requirements for Early Program Completion Option are presented to candidates during the Clinical Practice Orientation and are updated each term as a part of the Clinical Practice Handbook.
Clinical Practice Handbook: ECO Policy
Early Completion Option Agreement Form
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9. Precondition 9: Length of Validity of the Intern Candidate
The Teacher Preparation Program assures that all intern credential candidates the validity of two years in length. Employment is restricted to a specific school agency. A one-time, one-year extension by appeal is available at the rest of the Commission-approved University Intern Program when an educator fails to complete the program in the allotted due to hardship. Application for an extension requires submission of a paper application (Form 41-4) through the program sponsor.
Clinical Practice Handbook: Length of Intern Credential Policy
Sample MOU/Agreement with Intern Partner District
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10. Precondition 10: Non-Displacement of Certificated Employees
UC Merced Extension’s Teacher Preparation Program assures that in all agreements and partnerships with participating intern schools and/or school districts, that the following is agreed upon as a part of the fully executed MOU/Agreement:
DISTRICT shall not displace a certificated DISTRICT employee with the placement of an Intern Teacher. This Agreement shall serve to certify such to UNIVERSITY in accordance with Commission requirements.
Sample MOU/Agreement with Intern Partner District (p. 2, II. Placement of Intern Teachers, Section E.)
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11. Precondition 11: Justification of Internship
Many regional school districts have provided letters of support for UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program. All districts are projecting student growth and teacher retirements. The demand for multiple and single subject teachers in the region is projected to increase in the next few years. The school districts have expressed to our program administrators that it has been increasingly difficult to replace the retirees with teachers who are prepared to meet the demand of 21st Century teaching and learning. UC Merced’s Teacher Preparation Program reflects the University of California’s commitment to research, teaching and public service and will support our regional needs to increase the TK-12 teaching workforce.
School Districts Intern Placements
Written Support Letter from Los Banos Unified School District
Written Support Letter from Chowchilla Elementary School District
Written Support Letter from Merced City School District
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12. Precondition 12: Bilingual Language Proficiency
Before a candidate can receive an internship credential to serve as a teacher of record in a bilingual classroom, he or she must pass the language proficiency subtest. To date, the UC Merced Extension Teacher Preparation Program has not had any intern candidates serving in this capacity.
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I, the undersigned Dean of Extension for the University of California, Merced, verify and affirm that the above assurance statements and content are accurate and true.
Annette Roberts Webb, ME.d.
Dean of Extension
University of California, Merced
March 27, 2024